вторник, 19 февраля 2019 г.




Sometimes I just see a cool cover an buy the album without knowing more about the band or record. How accepted is metal in your area? Sometime the surprise is nice, sometimes I wish I would have kept the receipt. But no reason to worry, we have so many opportunities to listen to metal if we want to. Even if you are not that old fashioned like me, I guess a cool cover at least arouses your interest. Er predigt uns von Verzicht Dass Reichtum uns kein Glück verspricht Wer gierig ist, wird niemals satt Wahrlich reich ist, wer nichts hat Es ist immer das gleiche Spiel Der eine hat zu wenig Der andere hat zu viel Scheinfromm Scheinfromm Sie glauben, was er tut kund Das Volk lebt mit der Hand im Mund Sich gierig nun die Hände reibt Da so für ihn mehr übrig bleibt Es ist immer das gleiche Spiel Der eine hat zu wenig der andere zu viel Scheinfromm Scheinfromm Scheinfromm Scheinfromm Nun sitzt er da, auf seinem Geld Er glaubt doch selbst nicht, was er uns da erzählt Es ist immer das gleiche Spiel Der eine hat zu wenig Der andere hat zu viel Scheinfromm Scheinfromm Scheinfromm Scheinfromm. So you put a high standard to yourself.



Is having a message in the lyrics important to you? What is your local scene like? The only thing I miss and would say Finland is in advance to Germany — they play more metal music in radio. Thats what I miss a bit. What does the future hold for you? According to that we will evolve our sound further. But I would say Nachtblut is not a party song band, even if we have one or two songs which are more fun then serious. Skoll: Germany has a huge metal scene.

Nachtblut:Scheinfromm Lyrics


Anders Ekdahl ©2017 Do you feel that is has gone the way you intended when you formed back in the days? You want it to be as good as possible, in any aspect. What kind of topics do you deal with? Sometimes it seems like bands have more success in other countries and that makes an impact to the german market and scene. But I´m sure the progress ist relentless. I think nowadays everything can happen. I would say is fully accepted, like in Finland. Beside of that, its hard work and of course a bit of luck. How do you feel about your latest recording? How important is a national scene for a band to be able to break out and make it international? But its fun to me, not listening to a record before on amazon or stream it 10.



For me Apostasie has the best sound so far. Of course you can have party songs with less deep meaning. Beside of that, of course you hope fans will like the new input and result. Maybe its still the aftermath of last century. For me its already success to see there is a certain interest outside of the german speaking countries.



How important is the cover art work for you? You got plenty of digital platforms for new talent to display their music. Skoll: For me personally a cover artwork is important. On Apostasie we deal for example with double-standards — especially in church, the black metal scene and there artist of course with the typical Nachtblut wink , as we did a song against racism. I still believe that quality will always prevail. We deal with social problems, religion, mankind, feelings and so on.



I would say we succeeded. Skoll: To be unique is essential, but not everything. Do you feel that you by now has found a sound that is the band and that you can build on it? Especially in Germany, sometimes it feels like too many bands just want to be a Rammstein clone and succeeding in being a poor rip-off. I know bands that are big in Germany but no one cares about them elsewhere and I know the opposite. There are already plans which want to be put into action.



. So a mix of being unique and quality is a good start. A song without a message is just not as good as a song with a meaning. I would say its not important to be big in your own country to make it international. Everything you face in life and what needs to be reflected. Working with Chris Harms Lord of the Lost as a producer and recording in the Chameleon Studios, Hamburg was good decision.



The feedback so far showed us that this album is cherished by our listeners and critics. Its always pressure to put out a new record. Even, if taking a look at the todays pop music, I regret this sentence instantly. Skoll: Right now we are on tour in Germany. But I think its not contemporary. Of course, if you start a band you always want to be heard and have people listen to your music.



So many great band are not from those countries or areas. What else could an artist ask for? Did it come out the way you expected it to? Of course it would be fun to tour around the globe, doing what you love to do. How do you do to really stand out in a world where everything but the music is blind to the listener? Today the competition is harder. Of course its helpful not be a copy of a copy. We just played a tour in China with incredible response! Just to mention a few. Can a really cool cover still sell an album in this day and age of digital download? After that I will increasingly take care for 2018. .

Nachtblut:Scheinfromm Lyrics


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